Parental controls

Circle with Disney versus Apple control

Apple has announced a ‘management tool’ which it hopes will help customers take control of the time they spend on their iPhones or iPads. iOS 12 comes with Screen Time, a new feature which Apple says empowers customers with insight into how they are spending time with apps and websites. Reports can be provided on a […]

Cust Forum banner

CyberHound WA Customer Forum

CyberHound’s first WA Customer Forum for 2018 is being held at Perth’s Penrhos College. We will be discussing Circle with Disney as well as new product features and you will have a chance to win big prizes!

customer forum

CyberHound QLD Customer Forum – Sunshine Coast

CyberHound’s first Customer Forum for 2018 is being held at Sunshine Coast at St Andrew’s Anglican College. We will be discussing Circle with Disney as well as new product features and you will have a chance to win big prizes!

Circle with Disney

Circle with Disney protecting Australian children

An innovative cybersafety tool that reimagines how families use the internet and keeps children safe is expected to become a ‘must have’ household purchase. Available in Australia for the first time, Circle with Disney lets parents manage screen time and filter content for all connected devices in the home in a unique and positive way. Managed through […]