Schools are no exception to the rising concerns over security data. Given the amount of personal data stored, business managers should rightly be concerned over the integrity and security of not just personal data but billing and other financial data.
Schools with a turnover greater than $3m are now legally obliged to inform the Information Commissioner as well as affected individuals of any ‘eligible’ data breach within 30 days. Failure to do so could incur very large fines so not only is there a moral and ethical incentive to ensure systems that store data are encrypted and secure, there’s a financial one too.
Education institutions are the second highest target globally.
Education institutions are the second highest hacking target after medical institutions due to the global value of the potential data that can be captured and sold. This means they are more likely to be targeted than high profile companies such as Yahoo, ABS eCensus, LinkedIn and Tumblr, all of whom have been previously hacked in the past few years.
So, it’s not just a matter of IF your school will be hacked, its a matter of WHEN. So Cyber Risk should be an ongoing agenda item on every Board meeting because cyber attacks can entirely shut down businesses causing significant damage to corporate reputations and relationships.
It’s not a matter of IF, but WHEN your school will be hacked.
The maturity of most school’s cyber security isn’t high so School Business Managers have a responsibility to educate their school boards about cyber security because cyber risk is too important to be left solely in the domain of IT alone. Cyber security has transcended the realm of the technical – it’s now a business, economic, and national security priority.
Read more here.
CyberHound provides schools with a complete solution that not only protects from cyber threats but future-proofs investments. Find out more about how we can help Business Managers and schools with our unique technology here.