
CyberHound offers YouTube Caching

Rise of the screens: YouTube most popular digital content in Australian classrooms

New report highlights YouTube as the best form of ‘edutainment’ in Australian schools. 

A QUT report suggests Australian schools should be more flexible with the use of YouTube and other social media platforms to embrace new trends in ‘edutainment’, allowing teachers to maximise the value of ‘teachable’ and ‘in the moment’ content.

“Teachers are newly empowered in their search for arresting, relevant screen-based material for their classrooms and have flocked to the ubiquitous, free resources available on YouTube, despite it, and other social media platforms, being restricted in some state education jurisdictions,” QUT’sProfessor Cunningham, Report Leader said.

quotatoin-marks-01YouTube has now become the access portal of choice quotatoin-marks-02


The report includes insights from producers and distributors, as well as interviews with hundreds of teachers, students and industry representatives, and observations of classroom practice.

“New methods of digital distribution and access, ever greater emphasis on screen-based curriculum content and pedagogy, together with the rollout of the Australian Curriculum and its requirement for media arts in primary education provide potentially exciting opportunities for producers and distributors, but only if they configure content and access to fit curriculum structures, themes and modes of ‘edutainment’ prevalent in today’s classrooms.”

Read the full article here.


CyberHound can assist in streamlining and optimising YouTube use in the classroom, check out some info here