
CyberHound offers BYOD software

BYOD and CYOD programs in workplaces creating challenges for IT teams

These days 60 per cent of organisations allow their employees to choose between a Mac and a PC.

At the same time, it appears that workplace flexibility is also on the rise as part of the overall war for talent with 83 per cent of organisations allowing employees to work remotely benefitting from a surge in access to cloud-based applications.

However, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Choose Your Own Device (CYOD) programs are creating challenges for IT teams as they struggle to maintain security of systems and data. Rather than managing a standard fleet, they have to deal with a range of different operating systems and configurations.


quotatoin-marks-01What’s needed is an integrated approach to manage, secure &
support users and a user’s device. quotatoin-marks-02


As organisations increasingly allow employees to choose their own device, effective IT management is also becoming an issue. IT departments face a multitude of issues in the new workplace with one in four IT managers struggling with application compatibility, more than one in five (21 per cent) combating initial purchase costs, and 80 per cent concerned about support. More than one in three (33 per cent) cited user training (33 per cent) as well as security standards (34 per cent) as issues in managing the new IT savvy workforce device fleet.

Read the full article here.

CyberHound incorporates robust and secure security architecture into it’s BYOD enablement feature, to ensure IT teams have control over user network compliance. Find out more about CyberHound BYOD and CYOD features here.